Service Projects

District / Council Service Projects

Scouting for Food banner image with 3 cub scouts holding food and 3 scouts holding food

Scouting for Food

Scouting for Food is one of the Council-wide service projects, benefitting local food banks and charities. In the Golden Gate District, we collect food for the SF/Marin Food Bank. Information about the timing of distributing door flyers and food pickup timing will be communicated at Roundtable each year.

Unit Service Projects

How to report service hours

Service is a critical part of our scouting program. Service Hours include:

To report service hours for your unit, follow this simple guide. Service hours are logged in Internet Advancement; the Unit Key 3 and the Advancement Chair have the ability to log service hours for any scout in the unit.

Best Practices for Unit Service Projects

Associated with the Journey to Excellence, National has published a set of Best Practices guides for Unit-level Service Projects:

Service Project Best Practices

National Conservation and Environment guidance

Distinguished Conservation Service Award Conservation Project Process (pdf)

San Francisco Public-Serving Organizations

One great resource is the Hands On Bay Area website:

Which lists available service projects by age group. Great resource!

These San Francisco based organizations have expressed a desire and willingness to work with Scouts on Service Projects. Contacts listed are the best (known) way to get in touch with the organization; if you have any updated contact information please notify Golden Gate District Commissioner.

SF Service Project Organizations